  1. Vim Cheat Sheet

Vim Cheat Sheet

This is not a holy grail, just a dump of notes.

  • How to comment multiple lines at once

    # my best option visual mode
    1. enter visual mode
    2. select lines you want to comment
    3. press SHIFT + i to enter insert mode
    4. enter the comment symbol (note it will comment all the lines once you have pressed ESC key)
    5. press ESC key.
  • After copy pasting codes in vim, the indentation is usually messed up alot of times. Here is a way to unindent multiple lines.

    1. enter visual mode
    2. select lines you want to unindent
    3. press the < shift to left
    4. press . to repeat the indent
  • Quick Movement

    ^: move to the begining of the line
    $: move to the end of of the line
  • Increament and Decrement number… VIM Tips

    CTRL+a: ++
    CTRL+x: --