  1. GDB Cheat Sheet

GDB Cheat Sheet

This are just important stuff that I have used.

  • Managing inputs for payload injection

    • Getting inputs from char *argv[] $> ./program $(echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde")
    (gdb) run $(echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde")
    • Getting inputs from a file $> ./program ./myfile.txt
    (gdb) run myfile.txt
    • Getting inputs from stdin $> cat ./mycommands.txt | ./program || echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde" | ./program
    (gdb) run < ./mycommands.txt
    # or
    run < <(echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde")
    • Getting inputs from network $> echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde" | nc -vv localhost 666
    # keep stdin open after injection
    (cat ./mycommands.txt; cat) | ./program
    # or
    $> (echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde"; cat) | ./program
    # or
    $> (echo -ne "\xef\xbe\xad\xde"; cat) | nc -vv localhost 666
  • Breaking at main in stripped binaries

    # option 1
    set breakpoint pending on
    break __libc_start_main
    b *$rdi
    # option 2
    set breakpoint pending on
    set $base = 0x555555554000
    b *($base+offset)