nerd space
  1. TMUX on Windows Terminal on MYSYS2 and Git Bash
    1. Credits / References
23 November 2023

TMUX on Windows Terminal on MYSYS2 and Git Bash

To get tmux on Windows Terminal follow the below steps:

  1. Install MYSYS2
  2. Install Git for Windows
  3. Install tmux on MYSYS2 pacman -S tmux
  4. Install util-linux on MYSYS2 pacman -S util-linux
  5. Copy the following binaries from C:\msys64\usr\bin to C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
    • tmux
    • msys-event_core-2-1-7.dll - may change just try to start tmux on git bash and see what dependancy is missing.
    • script.exe
  6. Then copy the following alias to your preffered file. I use ~/.bash_profile
    tmux() {
    # execute tmux with script
      TMUX="command tmux ${@}"
      SHELL=/usr/bin/bash script -qO /dev/null -c "eval $TMUX"
  7. Close all the windows then start them once more.

Credits / References